Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tycoon to Acquire 25% Stake in SanguiBioTech

by Sara Calabro
Med Tech Sentinel

Tycoon Venture Capital & Investment of London said today that it would acquire 25% of SanguiBioTech GmbH, a German subsidiary of Sangui BioTech International that makes pharmaceuticals and devices focused on biological regeneration of cells through compensatory supply of vital substrates. As part of the agreement with Tycoon, the venture firm is offering Sangui a mezzanine loan of roughly $10 million. A managing director for the firm said, “We have thoroughly examined the properties and market potential of Sangui’s existing product portfolio, as well as the possible future blockbuster qualities of its haemoglobin polymer blood additive, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in the highly promising prospects of this company.”

In addition to the blood additive, SanguiBioTech is hard at work on its GlucoTector product, a long-term implantable glucose sensor for the continuous measurement of glucose levels; the device enables continuous control over three to five years. The sensors are based on optical measuring methods. These methods allow for bloodless and pain-free instant measurement with the advantage of a 24-hour control. The sensors provide data that can be used to analyze patients’ blood glucose levels for a defined period.

SanguiBioTech says the GlucoTector is an improvement over current monitors for the following reasons:

1. It uses at least two independent optical measurement systems in one sensor, which guarantees a high signal reliability and increased sensitivity

2. Measurements of glucose levels are also possible in quantities of less than 40 mg/dL which is significant for the assessment of brain damage

3. Glucose concentration results can be measured from a clearly defined, physically simple system (cuvet measurement).

A more pressing concern among some diabetes sufferers, though, might be: How will it look?




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